He admits that this has become his main focus, but his DJ career is as strong as ever. This year he’s followed it up with dates at North London’s The Roundhouse and Manchester’s Bridgewater, while December delivers the next phase of the project, with appearances at the O2 Brixton Academy (14th), Manchester’s O2 Academy (15th) and Glasgow’s Barrowland (16th). Selling out within 45 minutes, the backing of a string section, live percussionist and vocalists elevated classics such as ‘Xpander’ to new heights of stomach-gripping emotion, while widening the cinematic scope of his more recent productions. Working alongside long-term studio collaborators Charlie May, ex of Spooky, Dennis White, aka ThermalBear, and Dave Gardner, it proved a revelation, both personally and in terms of audience response. Spurred on by the hanging question of what the next step should be, in May 2017 he launched his Refracted:LIVE show at the Barbican, London. It’s a glimpse into the logistical challenges of a DJ, producer and now live performer who has weathered the storms of trends and technological changes.

Having flown in with his family at the crack of dawn for a 7am photo shoot, it’s now mid-afternoon, while his first set of the Ibiza season, starting his account at the Privilege opening with a back-to-back session with Kölsch, doesn’t kick off until 5am the next morning. He’s dressed down in a plain T-shirt and jeans, graciously accepting our apology for not being able to stay to see him DJ later owing to a prior engagement moving house, adding, “I’ve got three children so I know all about having to prioritise.” “Personal shit takes priority,” says Sasha, the Welsh-born artist turned international nomad, as we take a table at an empty cafe in Santa Getrudis, Ibiza.

One milestone has barely been laid down, yet already his restless nature is looking ahead. Then his agent comes up and poses a question: if you could do anything creatively, what would be your wildest dream? In that moment, he doesn’t have an answer, and it bothers him. It’s the crowning night of hours of studio time, and the dancefloor is buzzing as he plays to the fanatical following that he’s attracted since, somewhat reluctantly, becoming one of UK house music’s first pin- ups. The project has even been released with an official film. With a forensic attention to detail that’s become his trademark, every one of the 18 guest tracks has received an exclusive remix. Sasha is launching ‘Involv3r’, the third instalment of his acclaimed mix series. It’s a cold, rainy night in 2013 at a spit-and-sawdust East London venue, the exact location of which is lost in the mists of time.